Garden Pinks, or dianthus are a versatile plant that are easy to care for and pretty to look at. The perennial varieties we carry here at the nursery are easy care, hardy perennials and reliable spring bloomers that will put on a big floral display in June and then sporadically through the rest of the summer months and into the fall.
Reaching approximately 6-10" tall, they can be quite fragrant and have a beautiful blue-green foliage that contrast nicely in the garden during the summer months when so many other plants are a bright green.
Making a great groundcover, they form a beautiful mat of leaves that choking out the weeds. (Bonus!!)
Add them to your pots and they will weep over the side, softening the edges, or if you’re planting them in your flower beds and rock gardens, plant them in drifts or clumps along the front border to enjoy a carpet of colour.
They need to be planted in a location that receives at least 6 hours of sun a day and need soil with very good drainage.
They’re drought resistant and although they are listed by many as deer resistant, I find that only the ‘Firewitch’ variety in my experience has proven this true. Bunnies have not munched on mine yet either.
They attract butterflies, hummingbirds and feed the bees with their nectar.
Plants fill out into plump clumps quickly and frequent division, every 2 - 4 years, will keep your garden in pinks and your pinks healthy. The best time to divide is in the spring, as they are just beginning to send out new growth.
Height: 6 - 8 inches
Width: 10 - 12 inches
Hardiness Zone: USDA zones 3 - 10
Exposure: Full sun
Dianthus are a long-lasting cut flower to add to small posy arrangements next to your kitchen sink or in the bathroom to brighten up your space.
These quintessential flowers are a must have for any garden bed - not only because of how easy they are to grow, but also for the powerful punch of color they offer for many, many weeks throughout the year.